President Donald Trump asked the crowd at his recent rally: “You think [Biden is] running the government? He’s not running the government.”
According to a Rasmussen poll, only 39% of Americans believe Joe Biden is the one making the decisions inside the White House. That’s a troubling stat that tells you most Americans have no confidence in the man who is supposedly leading our nation.
The FBI leaked a story to Reuters, admitting that they “found scant evidence that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election result.”
No connection to Trump-world: Four FBI sources told Reuters that after making hundreds of arrests “the FBI at this point believes the violence was not centrally coordinated by far-right groups or prominent supporters of then-President Donald Trump.”
…which is funny because for the past 8 months, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and their mouth-pieces on MSNBC and CNN have done nothing but say the opposite: calling Trump and his supporters “insurrectionists.” Not to mention, Trump was impeached over allegations that he caused the January 6 riot.
This story was put out on a Friday afternoon news dump: When someone is trying to hide a news story from the American people, they release it on Friday afternoon. It’s when we’re transitioning from work-week to weekend, and least likely to pay attention to the news. This tells you everything you need to know about the FBI’s and the media’s intentions. After 8 months of blaming Trump, CNN still has yet to report on this story.
[Source: Reuters]
Nancy Pelosi called the House back into session this week during their summer recess, so you know she’s up to no good…
Why? Democrats want to use the cover of Joe Biden’s Afghanistan crisis to push through their $4.7 trillion dollars ($1.2 trillion infrastructure + $3.5 trillion budget) in Green New Deal and welfare spending.
If these two bills are passed, not only will it expand our already $28 trillion dollar debt, but it would knee-cap the middle class in America and make us even more reliant on China.
What you can do: Call your Representative today. Nothing scares a politician more than having their office lines ringing off the hook on a Monday morning. Find your Congressman here and tell them to vote NO on both bills: https://www.house.gov/representatives
Peter R Boykin
Peter Boykin For United States Congress