Author: Peter Boykin

Page: 7

FALL OF THE DOLLAR? How PetroDollar Gets People Killed and Keeps the USA dependent on Oil Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist   Note: eyes open for this is the reason why we cannot move towards energy independence. We have a system built on the continued use of oil and [...]
Justice Clarence Thomas Asks the Supreme Court to Reevaluate Big Tech's Immunity Under Section 230 Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist   Justice Clarence Thomas issued a statement recently about the denial of certiorari in the Jane Doe v. Facebook case. In his statement, Justice Thomas called for the Supreme [...]
HISPANIC VOTERS MOVE THE NEEDLE Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist   It looks like Hispanic voters have had enough of the lies and promises of the Democrat party. A Wall Street Journal found that Hispanic voters now prefer Republican candidates by a huge margin. Back up: For the past [...]
Just 24% of Americans think Biden is mentally fit to be President Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist   ? Just 24% of Americans think Biden is mentally fit to be President ? U.S. trade deficit hit record-high $89.7 billion ⛽️ 70% of Americans want the U.S. to increase oil [...]
SOMEONE OWES US GAS MONEY Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist Go Right News State of the Day - SOMEONE OWES US GAS MONEY ? 37% of Americans making under $30k think U.S. should be involved if war breaks out in Europe ? 66% of Americans making over $200k think [...]
BIDEN BEGS FOREIGN COUNTRIES FOR OIL, INSTEAD OF DRILLING AT HOME Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist   The American people are being hit with sky-high gas prices. And instead of empowering American companies to drill more oil domestically, the Biden regime is begging our enemies for help - specifically [...]
BIDEN PLANS TO OFFER IRAN 'MUCH MORE' THAN EXPECTED Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist   The Biden regime is expected to announce a new Iran nuclear deal in the coming days. And according to Russia's lead negotiator, "Iran got more than frankly, I expected." Back up: Iran is considered [...]
BIDEN PLAGIARIZES TRUMP Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist   During Joe Biden's State of the Union address, he told Americans he plans to "cap the cost of insulin at thirty-five dollars a month." Rewind: If that idea sounds familiar, that's because it is. In November 2020, then-President Trump laid [...]
President Trumps speech at CPAC Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist   ? President Trump's speech at CPAC was a MUST SEE. It was like a State of the Union address. I'm sure it'll be much better than the one Biden gives at any time EVER....   Shared by #GoRightNews [...]
BIDEN HUMILIATES US... AGAIN Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist   Joe Biden has humiliated the United States AGAIN. His administration gambled that weak sanctions on Vladimir Putin would deter him from invading Ukraine. He was wrong. So now Biden claims "no-one expected sanctions to prevent anything from happening." Fact [...]

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