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Let’s #TakeBackOurPride
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We refuse to let the radicals in the LGBT(etc etc) define the whole Gay Community


To Those Gays in the LGB and T(S) allies who don’t want to associate themselves at all with the “LGBT” community because you say the left has taken it over, We ask you a question and We issue you a challenge. First off are you willing to abandon our LGBT community so quickly?! If so, would you leave your house, city, precinct, county, district, state, region, and America to the left? Just because they misrepresent us? Do you feel resigned to removing yourself from what you are while the left destroys everything that everyone has worked hard for?


We don’t think so.


It’s our community as well.
Don’t be willing to hand it over so easily.


Now We challenge you:


Don’t you think it’s time to regain what is rightfully ours?

It’s our community; we should not let them take it.

Damn them, We won’t let them, and neither should you!

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